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our team

BCCS is governed by the Board of Directors & Management executives, supported

by a small but dedicated team of full-time and part-time staff.

The Board of Directors works with the Management team to develop strategies, establish priorities and ensures that plans & programmes are implemented well. It assures that the charity stays true to its mission & vision statements, and complies

with all the relevant regulations.

board of directors

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(Funding Strategy)

Roch Koh Soon Yao

"What a joy to be involved in touching lives and seeing lives changed!"

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Ong Beng Thiam

Vice Chairman

(Human Resource)

"Being a friend to people who fall behind in our society - helping their next generation do better in school, giving hope for the future." 

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Low Lye See


"One cannot be but compelled to help when life is viewed through the lenses of the needy, and BCCS provides the platform to offer them hope."  

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Hoe Huisheng, Bryan

Treasurer (Finance)

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Teo Meng Teck Kenneth

Programmes & Services

Volunteer Management

"Touching Hearts, Building Lives"

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Benjamin Pong Chee Kin

"Charity acknowledges the divide between the advantage and the disadvantage. Compassion empowers the hands to bridge it. Confidence brings new life."

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Lye Puat Fong

Corporate Communications & Publicity

"If I talk about the plight of the disadvantaged and not lend a hand, I am like 'a gong' full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

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Lum Kah Leong Jeffrey

Appointment & Nomination

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