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Mdm Sri Dayanti & her 3 boys
Beneficiaries of Tuition & CAPLE program

Madam Sri Dayanti is a mother of 3 boys, Rahul, Randy and Rezki, now aged 11, 9 and 5 years old respectively. BCCS’ programmes and activities have been a very integral part of her family’s lifestyle since 2009 when her eldest, Rahul, enrolled in the then Learning Family Programme, ‘LFP’ for short, through recommendation of BCCS’ partners for this programme, the SECDC (South East Community Development Council) and PCF (PAP Community Foundation). Randy enrolled 2 years later.

As this is a parentchild programme, a parent is required to share in the learning activities. She was happy to be there to support both her two sons. She was dutiful as she was hopeful that she would be better able to relate to and to contribute to her sons’ learning process. Now that Rezki is enrolled in BCCS’ CAPLE (Child And Parent Learning Experience) programme, the enhanced version of the LFP programme, Madam Sri Dayanti has observed that the programme has improved considerably making classroom activities highly interesting and the educational field trips very enjoyable. She is also full of praises for the dedication of Ms Deborah Pay, CAPLE and Tuition Programme Head, and volunteers and does not forget the support of many donors.

Beyond pre-school preparation in the LFP programme, her two elder sons also benefitted from BCCS’ KidsAglow enrichment programme where the love for reading is being cultivated but as they again found themselves falling behind in school, what other help is available? Madam Sri Dayanti simply couldn’t afford tuition of any kind for her children. Thanks to Tuition@Bartley programme which started in 2010 after BCCS identified the need for on-going academic support, Rahul and Randy were enrolled and received help in their studies. It has been a seven year long journey with BCCS for Madam Sri Dayanti thus far and the help she has received in the form of educational assistance and gift vouchers to buy school necessities for all her children has made the road less rocky for them.

The family is happy doing things together. After going for tuition every Saturday morning, Rahul and Randy would join their mum and Rezki at CAPLE in the afternoon. According to Madam Sri Dayanti, Rezki, though still very young, seems to be able to focus easily and cope well in his school assignments independently. This, she attributes to the very conducive learning environment in the CAPLE programme. Madam Sri Dayanti says, “BCCS has helped my family a lot. They journeyed with us.”

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